You’ve been lost in the painful cycle of turning to food to cope or numb out from painful emotions, then trying to regain control through decreasing food intake and over-exercising.

This leads you to:

  • Feel out of control with food.

  • Turning to food to cope with your emotions more than you’d like.

  • Feel discouraged or hopeless as your weight continues to fluctuate.

  • Feel isolated and ashamed as you’re eating in secret.

  • Feel ashamed of your body and even hate yourself.

  • Feel disconnected from your values and the people who matter the most to you.

I’d love to help you on this journey with healing your relationship with food and yourself. Did you know that 83% of people who struggle with binge eating disorder (BED) reported having experienced some form of childhood trauma? (Westerberg & Waitz, 2013).

I am passionate about helping people gain freedom from emotional eating/binge eating, so they can heal their deeper wounds and learn to really love themselves and their life.

In addition to past trauma, dieting, restrictive eating, compulsive exercise, and intentional weight loss all play a part in binge eating. You can begin to heal the vicious cycle of deprivation —> out of control eating —> shame today.

Some of my favorite resources for Binge Eating/Emotional Eating:

Providers Who are Incredibly Supportive and Informed in Health at Every Size (HAES) - an evidence-based, weight-inclusive approach to health.

Doctors and Nurse Practitioners

Registered Dietitians

If you’re ready to begin your healing journey, complete the form below: