One Useful Tool For Moms and Their Kids to Feel More GLAD

Glad list for Pregnant & Postpartum Therapy Group

Here is a useful little tool my past therapy group members have enjoyed engaging in to help shift their mood.

It is called the GLAD list. It is simple but can be quite effective in uplifting your mood, if you engage in writing it down DAILY or sharing it with another person. You can even put it in an app like Bliss if you don't care for pen and paper. You'll always have your phones with you. Make it part of the night time routine with the kids or your partner. Do it when you pick the kids up from school. The positive energy is contagious.

G - Write down something you are truly grateful for in this moment. This reminds us of the treasures that are within us and around us on a daily basis that sometimes we lose focus of when we're distracted by our depressed and anxious thoughts.

L - Write down something new you've learned or a lesson you have learned from your past. This shows us we continue to change and grow every day as we receive gifts of knowledge from the world. It also shows that we have a lot of insight and wisdom within us already. Sometimes we just need a reminder in order to apply it.

A - Write down something you accomplished today or in your life that you are proud of. Sometimes this is hard to think of when we're depressed, but there is always something you've done that you can be proud of, big or small. This challenges the lie from depression that states we're "a failure," "worthless," or "no good."

D - Write down something that fills you with delight and puts a smile on your face. This reminds us of the little things that really matter in life, like your child's laughter, your dog giving you dog breath kisses to wake you up in the morning, getting some me time, or just enjoying a really good meal.

Remember to actually write it down, type it out, or verbally share it with another person. That's when the magic happens. Take the challenge for two weeks and get GLAD! 

For more tips and techniques to feel like yourself again, click here for exclusive access to my free guide and 4-day e-course for overcoming postpartum depression and anxiety.

Postpartum depression recovery in OKC, Norman, Moore

Hi, I'm Thai-An. I'm a postpartum therapist and mother who is passionate about helping pregnant and postpartum parents overcome depression and anxiety so they can feel like themselves again and enjoy life with their baby and family. After overcoming my own battle with postpartum depression and anxiety, I opened Lasting Change Therapy, LLC in South Oklahoma City to dedicate my counseling practice to helping families have postpartum recovery and wellness, and I truly love it!